
About Me

Christ-follower, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Teacher, Sister, Aunt, Lover of Disney, Saints, Gamecocks, Random

Monday, January 4, 2010

Not The Usual Grind

After two weeks of "Vacation" I think that we need a vacation. Over the past two weeks we haven't stopped. Coming back from being out of town for two weeks leaves a lot for two people to do. On a check list full of things everything is done but only half way. Half the laundry done, half the stuff brought up three flights of steps from the car, half the house clean,I think you get the point. Even with an overwhelming list of halves. We woke up this morning, WANTING to get back to the grind.
The grind of spending countless hours at school and church. I couldn't wait to see my now, 13, wonderful kids at school today ( one left and moved back to Texas, its sad). For us both the "grind" is getting to hang out with kids/teenagers all day. Yes there are times where we have to be hard on the kids but more than none we just have fun and laugh with them. I know that I have learned more by being in the fourth grade again :-)
We loved spending time with our families. We got great gifts which we needed. As a kid I was excited to get the newest toys, bikes, dolls, baseball glove, bat, and more. Now I was excited to get our breaks fixed for Christmas, and a vacuum to insure that the dog hair is up. Sometimes I think this growing up thing is for the birds :-)!
Kris is running around all over the place trying to get things done for the church and school. But I know he missed it. Our daily grind is a lot more enjoyable than I think most peoples are. So yes we still long for the weekend, and pray for a break during the weekend, but we still love what we do and where God has put us. Yes, I and Kris are praying for a SNOW DAY on Thursday you are more than welcome to pray with us:-)

To switch gears Kris needs prayer and so does the youth group. Its unspoken but it needs prayer and a lot of it has to do with disappointment and discouragement.

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