
About Me

Christ-follower, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Teacher, Sister, Aunt, Lover of Disney, Saints, Gamecocks, Random

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If my head weren't attached I'd lose it

Today I sat at a gas station a prayed that God would send us money.

Have you ever put your hand in a winter coat, that has been put up for a season or two, and found money? Or (women) been switching out a purse and found that 20, that you forgot about sticking there? Or been cleaning out the couch and found more than food or change but a couple of bucks? Or my mom's personal favorite(my mom spent many years trying to get me to check my pockets) , doing laundry and finding that five in the loved ones pocket? Well today was one of those days that I prayed that, one of those marvelous miracles would happen to us. That poof money would appear because we NEED it.
I had ten dollars laying in my purse because I went under budget when going to the store the other day. When I say laying I literally mean laying in my purse. My purse was in Kris's car and had been since Friday. So I gave Kris my ten to get some more food from the store because we are running low. (A month with no paycheck and Christmas happening within that month will leave one a little or a lotta low on funds) The money we have in our account is there because the day we get paid is also the day the insurance comes out and we have just enough for that. So I got ten dollars worth of gas. Which isn't anything....I remember when ten dollars A. bought a WHOLE tank of gas and B. when is bought a Half tank of gas. Now it buys not even a QUARTER of a tank of gas...end rant...
So I prayed that God would send us money. I opened my wallet to get my debit card out and POOF there was 47 dollars. Yes I FORGOT about close to 50 dollars in my wallet. For anyone who remotely knows me at all knows that this shouldn't be that surprising. But it really was like slipping my freezing hand in that long forgotten winter coat and feeling some paper like thing and pulling a 20 into the cool crisp air. Oh how that moment brightens the most of dreary days.
Who would have ever thought to look in a wallet for money. Not I of course. I was praying that God would use a coat, a couch, clothes, or a purse to answer my prayers. Nope he used THE WALLET. Pretty hilarious.
So God provided for us in a big way, with my forgetful self. Luckily my Wonderful husband didn't kill me when I him told, that I forgot about 47 dollars and sent him to the store with only 10. But no he was just as happy as I was :-)
Let me tell you 47 dollars when needed can brighten this deary day any time it wants to. For me today was deary wondering about money, then only having 8 kids and one of those kids was basically doing everything but throwing up. Coughing all the time, blowing the nose all the time (I lysoled the test that was turned in). All day I had a head cold, we are behind on lessons due to lack of students, left the straightener on all day left a burn mark in the marble and etc deary day. My day was BRIGHTEN and prayer ANSWERED, but a great God who uses my forgetful self to further show me how wonderful He is.

*Pray for Jeni


  1. Jessi,
    God is so wonderful to supply pou needs just in the nick of time...Love ya!

  2. Make that all OUR needs!!!!!

  3. HE ALWAYS provides for us; even when we don't think he has or is!! I am praying really hard for JENI and love you guys bunches!
