
About Me

Christ-follower, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Teacher, Sister, Aunt, Lover of Disney, Saints, Gamecocks, Random

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Forgotten or Just Put Away?

I am reading Francis Chan's Forgotten God. It is an amazing incredible must read kind of book. In the book he writes about the fact that hey there are three parts to the trinity. The Father, the Son, and the HOLY SPIRIT.

Being from the Bible belt, a Conservative southern Baptist Church ( that I went to all my life until a year ago), and going to a strict Southern Baptist College, has lead me to be one of these people who forget some times about that third "person" in the trinity. I spent a lot of time when I was younger thinking about how three things can be one thing. I also I am pretty sure drove my family crazy with asking him how it was possible. Chan writes about how the church in general has forgotten him as well. I certainly had.
How could I have forgotten the one who Jesus sent to be our Counselor. Who Paul, Stephen, and many more full relied on. Who with the Holy Spirit lead THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS to the cross. Jesus talks constantly about the counselor and that He is coming and will do more than he could have. So why on earth do I not think about the Holy Spirit?
We as a church have forgotten about the Holy Spirit. It doesn't matter rather or not that you are a Strict Southern Baptist, a Roman Catholic , or a crazy carsamtic. We all have forgotten. Most Southern Baptist churches would not know the Holy Spirit if the Holy Spirit were to come into the church walls with a sign around it's neck that says Holy Spirit. Then if they did they would have no clue what to do with Holy Spirit and more than likely ban it from their church. Because the Holy Spirit would cause rifts in the way things have been done for years.

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