Why is life at times so busy that you do not even have a moment to stop and think.
I am blogging instead of finishing school work as usual. So a lot has happened in our little Crippin World since the last time I even thought about blogging. We are in a desperate search for a house. We can't afford our rent when it goes back up to it's original 1,300 a month. Now breath cause you know me and know that there is no way on this earth that I would pay that much ever. Our house payment won't even be that much.
I am going to school online which is always tons of fun! But the most unusual thing is that I have been shrimping at night with Kris and EJ. We need the extra money and Kris is working two jobs so I thought I would come along and make life a little bit easier on him. It's fun. Something I would have never ever seen myself doing. I used to watch Forest Gump and hey that's looks like fun. But never did I think that one day I would be on a shrimp boat shorting through all kinds of nastiness. Cause let me tell you it isn't for the faint of heart. As tough as I like to think that I am at times, I still get Kris to pick up some of those things that I just don't want to touch. Like sting rays...really you want me to pick one of those things up look what happened to Steve Erwin. Hello, I just now got to wear I will pick up crabs, cause let me tell you those things hurt. There is a catfish here that has stabbers in its fins that will make you swell and bleed....yeah I don't pick those up either.
Last weekend we went on a mission trip to Alvarado Texas. There are more Wickens, Witches, and Satan Worshippers in that one county than anywhere else in the US.
When I think about where I grow up and even where I live now. I have never seen really satan move. This week I saw satan work. I know that you are all going man Jessi has lost her marbles but many of you were saying that years ago. But you know why you could see satan in Alvarado and at the church we were at , is because there were people there that were messing up satan's plans. They were bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, preaching His gospel, and being used by the Holy Spirit.
That got me to thinking how long has it been since I have let the Comforter use me, How long has it been since our Churches have even let the Holy Spirit in? If you aren't seeing satan then I fully believe that you aren't letting the Holy Spirit do His job. It's something that every church has it's problems with cause you know what the Holy Spirit makes us all uncomfortable at times. As people that are very complacent we don't like to be taken out of our comfort zone.
I have heard many stories about people seeing demons or being demon possessed. But they all have been overseas in those "godless nations" Well it's not like we are a Christian nation. You know why they see demons because those who have converted to Christianity are not sitting on their butts and doing nothing to share their faith. They are going and telling everyone they know about the One that has come to give them life and life everlasting. They are "Making footprints, not butt prints". And because they are being used by the Holy Spirit satan and his demons are going to attack. Thank Cowboy Way for showing people THE WAY
Are you making satan mad?
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