
About Me

Christ-follower, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Teacher, Sister, Aunt, Lover of Disney, Saints, Gamecocks, Random

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I am leaving on a Jet plane

In one week from today I will be in the air on the way to see my SISTER. I haven't seen her in over two years. Last time I saw her family of three I was getting the Wrights are a family of four. I am so excited to see her words can't even started to sat how excited I am. The one thing I am not excited about is 15 days or longer away from Kris. I've been out of the country when we were dating but not for this long. We haven't spent more than three days a part since we got married so this is going to be very hard on the both of us.

I do wish he could see all the beauty of Greece. As well as the cutesy little girls to ever to have lived...our nieces. I think he would fall in love with Greece just as I did lost six years ago...I can't believe it's been that long. Greece is so beautiful and special. I don't think they have bad days in Greece. Being there for two weeks I guess we will see. Last time I was there I broke out in hives one night...was I down and depressed no because I was in GREECE and it's amazing. I highly recommend that everyone go.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Three rubber chickens and God

Last Friday was field day here at Calvary. Kris loves me but hates it when I volunteer to take on big projects. I of coursed volunteered to take on Field Day for the school. One of the things that was needed for field day were three rubber chickens. I had been looking everywhere. Then came the night before field day and no rubber chickens were insight. Kris was making suggestions on what we could use instead, but nothing sounded anywhere near as fun. We made one last ditch effort to Party City and there they were in all their glory. It was almost as if a golden light surrounded them, three rubber chickens. There were not two but three glorious rubber chickens waiting to be a part of our field day.
Right then and there in the middle of Party City, with three rubber chickens in hand, " I got pentacostal up in that joint." Who would have ever thought about praising God in the middle of a party store about rubber chickens. I know that as my generation we always say " God shows me he loves me by....insert something kind of stupid and somewhat meaningful." I always know God loves me because He sent His Son to die a cross for my dirty rotten sinful self so that one day I could be with Him in heaven. But God reminded me that some how He still loves me and watches after me, even through my dirty rotten self.
I hope today that God shows you he loves you in away that will only touch your heart, so you can see how personal and special you are to Him.