Unlike many others I get a re-do of the fourth grade every year. I love my job. Even on the bad days I love what I do. Each year my fourth graders teach me something. This years class is no exception. It is the fourth week of the fourth grade and I love them and their little personalities.
This week we were playing a game. It's called silent around the world and it is awesome. The students compete to get the question right first. The first one who wins moves on to the seat in front of them and so on and so on. So this little boy was up and he got the question right. In the very front row one of my little students let out a huge hooray and a fist pump. It was to cute for him to get in trouble. I asked him what was that about and he said, "Because my friend won." I told him that he was having to go against his friend next. His reply, "I don't care I am just so happy he won." It was one of those moments that I wanted to take him and just squeeze him and tell him how sweet that was. But of course that couldn't be done, due to A, we were playing a game, B) he would have been embarrassed and C( I am sure that would have been frowned upon.
I thought when was the last time I was truly excited about some one like that and their success. So much so that I didn't even care about what was going on with me and my life. That at that moment I was just elated in their success that I fist pumped in the air and let a huge scream for all to hear.
He has taught me how to be a better friend. For that I will always be grateful to my smallest fourth grader with the biggest heart.
About Me
- The Crippin Adventure
- Christ-follower, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Teacher, Sister, Aunt, Lover of Disney, Saints, Gamecocks, Random
Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011

I think this might become a DIY kind of blog lets see how this works
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I am leaving on a Jet plane
In one week from today I will be in the air on the way to see my SISTER. I haven't seen her in over two years. Last time I saw her family of three I was getting married...now the Wrights are a family of four. I am so excited to see her words can't even started to sat how excited I am. The one thing I am not excited about is 15 days or longer away from Kris. I've been out of the country when we were dating but not for this long. We haven't spent more than three days a part since we got married so this is going to be very hard on the both of us.
I do wish he could see all the beauty of Greece. As well as the cutesy little girls to ever to have lived...our nieces. I think he would fall in love with Greece just as I did lost six years ago...I can't believe it's been that long. Greece is so beautiful and special. I don't think they have bad days in Greece. Being there for two weeks I guess we will see. Last time I was there I broke out in hives one night...was I down and depressed no because I was in GREECE and it's amazing. I highly recommend that everyone go.
I do wish he could see all the beauty of Greece. As well as the cutesy little girls to ever to have lived...our nieces. I think he would fall in love with Greece just as I did lost six years ago...I can't believe it's been that long. Greece is so beautiful and special. I don't think they have bad days in Greece. Being there for two weeks I guess we will see. Last time I was there I broke out in hives one night...was I down and depressed no because I was in GREECE and it's amazing. I highly recommend that everyone go.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Three rubber chickens and God
Last Friday was field day here at Calvary. Kris loves me but hates it when I volunteer to take on big projects. I of coursed volunteered to take on Field Day for the school. One of the things that was needed for field day were three rubber chickens. I had been looking everywhere. Then came the night before field day and no rubber chickens were insight. Kris was making suggestions on what we could use instead, but nothing sounded anywhere near as fun. We made one last ditch effort to Party City and there they were in all their glory. It was almost as if a golden light surrounded them, three rubber chickens. There were not two but three glorious rubber chickens waiting to be a part of our field day.
Right then and there in the middle of Party City, with three rubber chickens in hand, " I got pentacostal up in that joint." Who would have ever thought about praising God in the middle of a party store about rubber chickens. I know that as my generation we always say " God shows me he loves me by....insert something kind of stupid and somewhat meaningful." I always know God loves me because He sent His Son to die a cross for my dirty rotten sinful self so that one day I could be with Him in heaven. But God reminded me that some how He still loves me and watches after me, even through my dirty rotten self.
I hope today that God shows you he loves you in away that will only touch your heart, so you can see how personal and special you are to Him.
Right then and there in the middle of Party City, with three rubber chickens in hand, " I got pentacostal up in that joint." Who would have ever thought about praising God in the middle of a party store about rubber chickens. I know that as my generation we always say " God shows me he loves me by....insert something kind of stupid and somewhat meaningful." I always know God loves me because He sent His Son to die a cross for my dirty rotten sinful self so that one day I could be with Him in heaven. But God reminded me that some how He still loves me and watches after me, even through my dirty rotten self.
I hope today that God shows you he loves you in away that will only touch your heart, so you can see how personal and special you are to Him.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
It's what we do
1. Link back and thank the person who gave it to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 5 stylish blogs you read.
4. Contact them and tell them about their award!
So Apey awarded me stylish blogger. Yippe.....
1.I am compulsive about making my bed in the morning....I am a freak like that
2. I have a new niece her name is Audrey
3. I love Jesus
4. I am a teacher and most of the time I love every minute of it.
5. I am trying to loose a lot of weight before aprils wedding that's my goal date don't think I will make it but I have lost a lot already
6. I am married, have two dogs, and now own a home....it's crazy awesome
7. I am a diehard Gamecock fan...in the middle of LSU country
So last night I tired couponing....it wasn't as successful as I had hoped and planned.I did save around 20 dollars. Now I am not saying that I was expecting to buy like oodles and boodles and walk out with a 6 dollar bill but still. Oh well I will keep on trying. Part of my problem was there are lots of great coupons on line, but we didn't have any ink so a big part of our purchase was the stinkin ink for Kris's printer. So maybe the next time it will work out better.
In other new baby Audrey is here. She is 6 lbs 4oz. And 19.5 inches long. Congrats to my brother in law and my sister in law on their new baby girl. I know Kris is excited. It just different when it's you own sibling having a baby. Because they are the ones that you grew up besides and have this sort of kindred bond with. I know he love EB and Lorelia but it's just a different feel when it's your brother having a baby. I think he thinks I am going to be mad at him or something if he says how excited he is. Or he could feel not manly for being so excited. For the shower I think that is why he wanted to help so much.
I don't know how to tag peoples blog to give them an award so when I find out I will finish that section.
People I would tag
Steffie Fresh
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 5 stylish blogs you read.
4. Contact them and tell them about their award!
So Apey awarded me stylish blogger. Yippe.....
1.I am compulsive about making my bed in the morning....I am a freak like that
2. I have a new niece her name is Audrey
3. I love Jesus
4. I am a teacher and most of the time I love every minute of it.
5. I am trying to loose a lot of weight before aprils wedding that's my goal date don't think I will make it but I have lost a lot already
6. I am married, have two dogs, and now own a home....it's crazy awesome
7. I am a diehard Gamecock fan...in the middle of LSU country
So last night I tired couponing....it wasn't as successful as I had hoped and planned.I did save around 20 dollars. Now I am not saying that I was expecting to buy like oodles and boodles and walk out with a 6 dollar bill but still. Oh well I will keep on trying. Part of my problem was there are lots of great coupons on line, but we didn't have any ink so a big part of our purchase was the stinkin ink for Kris's printer. So maybe the next time it will work out better.
In other new baby Audrey is here. She is 6 lbs 4oz. And 19.5 inches long. Congrats to my brother in law and my sister in law on their new baby girl. I know Kris is excited. It just different when it's you own sibling having a baby. Because they are the ones that you grew up besides and have this sort of kindred bond with. I know he love EB and Lorelia but it's just a different feel when it's your brother having a baby. I think he thinks I am going to be mad at him or something if he says how excited he is. Or he could feel not manly for being so excited. For the shower I think that is why he wanted to help so much.
I don't know how to tag peoples blog to give them an award so when I find out I will finish that section.
People I would tag
Steffie Fresh
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
So I hate to say it but I think that I am going to jump on this whole band wagon thing of couponing. Now I am I going to go stock piling looking like I will be prepared for years if some disaster were to strike... um no. But it would be nice to save money. As most know we are two extremely poor teachers, private school teachers I might add to that...so you can get some degree of poorness. I kind of always told myself that I would never do the whole couponing things.
I did that because my mom always use to and it would embarrass me. I guess I didn't want people knowing that we didn't have a lot of money. We didn't have a lot of money at all by mom alway provided and one major thing that helped was cutting out coupons every Sunday.
Now I kind of look forward to it.It wouldn't hurt us at all to save some money here and there. I am so not going to the extreme those people on TLC. But who doesn't love saving money on the things they need. If anyone has any advice on how to do this to say the most money as possible feel free to share with me :-).
Monday, April 4, 2011
Just mad for Harry
Now all people who know me....know my goals living in New Orleans
1. Be the best wife I can be to Kris
2. Show and tell others about Jesus Christ
3. Meet Harry Connick Jr.
4. Go to HCJ concert
I am a very simple girl with very simple dreams. Well this past weekend I got to see him in concert for my Birthday. Some may say no big deal a concert is a concert. Umm.. Wrong...last real concert that I have been to would be Nysnc in the 6th grade with my wonderful sister...who so sweetly took me :). Yeah I was obsessed with Nsync. Justin Beiber doesn't hold a candle to anyone of those five guys. I was excited for That concert I couldn't sleep like the week before or after. Fast forward more than a decade later and you would have thought I was in the sixth grade again. I couldn't sleep the night before and I told everyone who I was a going to see (like they cared at all but they were still gonna know).
All the times he came to Greenville I was in another country or broke. So after 20 something years of borderline obsession I finally got to see him in concert :). The only sad thing...he didn't play "Wink and a Smile"' (our song..cheesy i know) but other than that it was the best concert I have ever been to. Kris even enjoyed. I think Kris might have thought he was a comic genius or something. I was amazed. Kris doesn't understand the HCJ love at all. Kris has never really been into music or has an obsessive personality like I do either. What can I saw "I was born this way." I didn't take any pictures which is really sad and dishearting because the signs said not to. I know plenty of people always break those rules but I wasn't going to get kicked out of something I have waited my whole life for.
So all that to say goal 4 in life is now crossed off. I would have really loved to have done three and four this weekend but that just didn't happen. You can guarantee when I hopefully if ever, meet him I will have pictures to document momentous occasion.
Friday, March 25, 2011
What does this mean?
Growing up with older siblings I often watched tv shows that kids my ages didn't watch. Our favorite show, which would be the only show I have so far have watched from beginning to end. (I cried like a baby when the last episode aired my senior year of high school) for thirty minutes we would all gather around Dad's gianormous 1970's t.v. and for that time there would not be any fussing or fighting. The show had a lot to do with how much I loved it but also it was the time I got to spend with my brother and sister that I also enjoyed,
My freshman year of college I found four girls with a love for FRIENDS as big as mine. We we stay up late watching episodes, and putting of the major load of work that needed to be done. We also found that we all had personality traits that went along with each character. My roommate was Monica and I of course was Phoebe. For anyone who knows me this isn't a far fetch. She's flighty, makes up crazy songs, and most of the time has no idea. One of the things she used to say is "What does it mean?"
Well in true Phoebeesquic fashion I asked myself that same question today. What does it mean to act like Christ and put on the fruits of the spirit daily. Why I asked myself this question....I was talking about it today with my kids. As we were going over the fruits of the spirits and what our lives should look like to put them on daily. I really had to ask my self do I?
"but the fruit of Spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, longsufferning, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,self-control, against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22. Does my life look anywhere close to being these things daily? What does it mean to do this daily? Most days I have some of the fruits of the spirit but I am always lacking in some area. So what does it look like for me to in compass all of them all day long. What does this mean for my life?
One of the areas I thought I as "good" in I totally flipped a lid the other weekend in. When it comes to faithfulness and knowing that God will supply our needs, I've always been "good" in. I guess that is why I am such a laid back person, but the other weekend I didn't trust God like i should have. So at night about a certain mattered I had been worrying about it and worrying and needing a sleeping pill to go to sleep about. So I had asked Kris about and asked Kris about and each time he told me the same answer "I don't know". Well I heard a conversation he was having with his mom and which he did tell her the answer that had kept me up at night a fretting about. Let's just say I am amazed that we are still married. Poor the thing I let out all my anger and frustration that I had on him. All those long nights worrying, all the mind wondering back to that one thing. All because I didn't trust the God who had brought be through the valley and through the desert and back to the other side.
I don't think this is just a question for me but for you as well.....What does it mean to have the fruits of the Spirit daily in your life?"
My freshman year of college I found four girls with a love for FRIENDS as big as mine. We we stay up late watching episodes, and putting of the major load of work that needed to be done. We also found that we all had personality traits that went along with each character. My roommate was Monica and I of course was Phoebe. For anyone who knows me this isn't a far fetch. She's flighty, makes up crazy songs, and most of the time has no idea. One of the things she used to say is "What does it mean?"
Well in true Phoebeesquic fashion I asked myself that same question today. What does it mean to act like Christ and put on the fruits of the spirit daily. Why I asked myself this question....I was talking about it today with my kids. As we were going over the fruits of the spirits and what our lives should look like to put them on daily. I really had to ask my self do I?
"but the fruit of Spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, longsufferning, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,self-control, against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22. Does my life look anywhere close to being these things daily? What does it mean to do this daily? Most days I have some of the fruits of the spirit but I am always lacking in some area. So what does it look like for me to in compass all of them all day long. What does this mean for my life?
One of the areas I thought I as "good" in I totally flipped a lid the other weekend in. When it comes to faithfulness and knowing that God will supply our needs, I've always been "good" in. I guess that is why I am such a laid back person, but the other weekend I didn't trust God like i should have. So at night about a certain mattered I had been worrying about it and worrying and needing a sleeping pill to go to sleep about. So I had asked Kris about and asked Kris about and each time he told me the same answer "I don't know". Well I heard a conversation he was having with his mom and which he did tell her the answer that had kept me up at night a fretting about. Let's just say I am amazed that we are still married. Poor the thing I let out all my anger and frustration that I had on him. All those long nights worrying, all the mind wondering back to that one thing. All because I didn't trust the God who had brought be through the valley and through the desert and back to the other side.
I don't think this is just a question for me but for you as well.....What does it mean to have the fruits of the Spirit daily in your life?"
Friday, February 18, 2011
Not Getting Any Younger
The phrase "you aren't getting any younger" really hits home with me. I know to most I probably don't seem that old but working with kids all day will make you feel that way. With birthdays drawing near I see how my parents must have felt. My niece is soon to be three. Just yesterday it seems like dad and I were making that long trek through the snow and ice to see that beautiful bundle of joy. Now she's about to start pre-school. I feel old. I felt old when my fourth graders last year became fifth graders this year. This cycle will continue. That makes me feel old.
It is pretty bad but almost every night I lay there in bed and think boy I am not getting any younger. I think well I don't want to be old when I have kids, but I wanna finish my final degree. I think though I want to have more than one. So what does that mean. I just feel my own old age setting in and it is starting to scare me.
It is pretty bad but almost every night I lay there in bed and think boy I am not getting any younger. I think well I don't want to be old when I have kids, but I wanna finish my final degree. I think though I want to have more than one. So what does that mean. I just feel my own old age setting in and it is starting to scare me.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
What is wrong with me
Do you know how many times I have asked that question this past month? I ask it all the time when I do something stupid, or silly, or whatever will happen. The other night I asked my self that question what is wrong with me. Paul talks about we sin knowing that we shouldn't and what it leads to. But guess what we do it anyways.
That night I laid in bed probably feelilng as far away from my Savior as I had almost ever felt. I have let stupid things take over my life, school, getting ready for a baby shower, t.v.,the house and so much more. I just let all these things take the place where Jesus used to consume every part of my life. I didn't sleep that night. I laid awake that night thinking about how my life used to be. How life was when Jesus and I were tight. It was like looking upon someone else life and going wow I wish I could be them. It is so weird to be disconnected from who I once was.
This disconnect is seen in everyday life. It is seen with how I deal with Kris, my co-workers, my students, and I am sure in everything else I do. I feel like my plug has been pulled and the last while I have been running on my own power and not the power of the One who made me. That is my biggest sin. Like I know we are not suppose to pin point our sins but that is my HUGE GIAGANTIC BAD MAMMOTH sin. I think that is one of the sins that no one like to admit to. So I am going to take this like AA admitting the things you do wrong out in the open for all to see.
I know my problem, now with God's help I can fix it. I am fixing two problems at once. The not spending time with God problem and letting Him be my all and the fat problem. For Me be a glutton is a sin like me not spending time with God. This problem I have been working on for a while. But all for the wrong reasons. But it is a sin a sin that needs to be out of my life. So will you hold me accountable?
That night I laid in bed probably feelilng as far away from my Savior as I had almost ever felt. I have let stupid things take over my life, school, getting ready for a baby shower, t.v.,the house and so much more. I just let all these things take the place where Jesus used to consume every part of my life. I didn't sleep that night. I laid awake that night thinking about how my life used to be. How life was when Jesus and I were tight. It was like looking upon someone else life and going wow I wish I could be them. It is so weird to be disconnected from who I once was.
This disconnect is seen in everyday life. It is seen with how I deal with Kris, my co-workers, my students, and I am sure in everything else I do. I feel like my plug has been pulled and the last while I have been running on my own power and not the power of the One who made me. That is my biggest sin. Like I know we are not suppose to pin point our sins but that is my HUGE GIAGANTIC BAD MAMMOTH sin. I think that is one of the sins that no one like to admit to. So I am going to take this like AA admitting the things you do wrong out in the open for all to see.
I know my problem, now with God's help I can fix it. I am fixing two problems at once. The not spending time with God problem and letting Him be my all and the fat problem. For Me be a glutton is a sin like me not spending time with God. This problem I have been working on for a while. But all for the wrong reasons. But it is a sin a sin that needs to be out of my life. So will you hold me accountable?
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