
About Me

Christ-follower, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Teacher, Sister, Aunt, Lover of Disney, Saints, Gamecocks, Random

Monday, January 25, 2010

Katrina and the Saints

I have never been much of a fair-weather fan. I have never let a boy tell me which team I was going to pull for. I have always been and forever will be a die hard South Carolina fan, a Atlanta Braves fan, and now a Saints fan.
I became a "semi" Saints fan after Katrina because my heart felt for people that I had never known. The next year I was a Saints fan. Even though I had fond memories of the Carolina Panthers, I just wasn't that into the NFL.
Over the past four years I got to know the people, that I thought I would never know. Over the past year I have gotten to know these people very well. Hearing stories of what my family, friends, and students went through four years ago will break the hardest heart.
The story of a newly married couple losing almost every memento of their wedding. A family coming back and standing where their house use to be. A student literally having to swim for his life because they flood waters were coming into quickly. A grandmother coming back to find the house where she was raised, her children were raised, and her grandchildren spent many years utterly destroyed. All pictures ruined and gone. Every special treasure washed away, home movies gone, life as you knew it of any concrete memory they ever once had gone in a matter of seconds.
When my family and friends came back to what all they once knew, to find it to be gone. They had one thing to hold on to, the Saints. These people for 43 years have dearly loved their Saints but after Katrina that love became a bond. The people of Southereasten Louisiana are bonded to THEIR Saints. The Saints were these people. Their home the Superdome became home to over 30,000 people after Katrina. But like many peoples home was badly damaged. The Dome had to be fixed the Saints had to be fixed, the people's lives had to be fixed.
As the city of New Orleans was being rebuilt so were the Saints. The Saints gave these people hope, the bright spot to their Sundays. Something to make it through the messy weeks, months, and years. As the Saints won they rejoiced and that week was made nicer. As the Saints lost it was "Bless You Boys" and "There's always next season."
The Saints rebuilt the with the people, as they fixed their houses so did the saints. As people thought they were getting back on their feet but then found out that contractors had left town and stuck them with sulfuric drywall. The saints felt that blow with losing.
But as this season progressed so did the people. When the Saints reached 5-0 the people were rejoicing because I think they saw them in each game winning their own personal battles. When the saints became 11-0, they said to themselves we can make it through this. Just like the saints these people have always kept going with a smile on their faces, you could never knock them down so much that they wouldn't get back up.
When the Saints won the NFC Championship last night I rejoiced with my family as they saw something happen that none of us have ever seen before. The Saints win the championship and go to the Superbowl. I cried for my family because here was what they have been waiting for since before the Storm and looked forward to with even more anticipation after the storm. As some sign that if the Saints can make it through we can too.
Yes last night there was yelling in the streets, fireworks everywhere, and a lines a mile long waiting to get their Championship Shirts. One person commented, "Do they know this isn't the superbowl?" Well yes they do but to them this was just like have a perfect season and winning the superbowl three times all in one night.
No state, area, city, or people deserve this win more than the people of Louisiana. Bless You Boys :-)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If my head weren't attached I'd lose it

Today I sat at a gas station a prayed that God would send us money.

Have you ever put your hand in a winter coat, that has been put up for a season or two, and found money? Or (women) been switching out a purse and found that 20, that you forgot about sticking there? Or been cleaning out the couch and found more than food or change but a couple of bucks? Or my mom's personal favorite(my mom spent many years trying to get me to check my pockets) , doing laundry and finding that five in the loved ones pocket? Well today was one of those days that I prayed that, one of those marvelous miracles would happen to us. That poof money would appear because we NEED it.
I had ten dollars laying in my purse because I went under budget when going to the store the other day. When I say laying I literally mean laying in my purse. My purse was in Kris's car and had been since Friday. So I gave Kris my ten to get some more food from the store because we are running low. (A month with no paycheck and Christmas happening within that month will leave one a little or a lotta low on funds) The money we have in our account is there because the day we get paid is also the day the insurance comes out and we have just enough for that. So I got ten dollars worth of gas. Which isn't anything....I remember when ten dollars A. bought a WHOLE tank of gas and B. when is bought a Half tank of gas. Now it buys not even a QUARTER of a tank of gas...end rant...
So I prayed that God would send us money. I opened my wallet to get my debit card out and POOF there was 47 dollars. Yes I FORGOT about close to 50 dollars in my wallet. For anyone who remotely knows me at all knows that this shouldn't be that surprising. But it really was like slipping my freezing hand in that long forgotten winter coat and feeling some paper like thing and pulling a 20 into the cool crisp air. Oh how that moment brightens the most of dreary days.
Who would have ever thought to look in a wallet for money. Not I of course. I was praying that God would use a coat, a couch, clothes, or a purse to answer my prayers. Nope he used THE WALLET. Pretty hilarious.
So God provided for us in a big way, with my forgetful self. Luckily my Wonderful husband didn't kill me when I him told, that I forgot about 47 dollars and sent him to the store with only 10. But no he was just as happy as I was :-)
Let me tell you 47 dollars when needed can brighten this deary day any time it wants to. For me today was deary wondering about money, then only having 8 kids and one of those kids was basically doing everything but throwing up. Coughing all the time, blowing the nose all the time (I lysoled the test that was turned in). All day I had a head cold, we are behind on lessons due to lack of students, left the straightener on all day left a burn mark in the marble and etc deary day. My day was BRIGHTEN and prayer ANSWERED, but a great God who uses my forgetful self to further show me how wonderful He is.

*Pray for Jeni

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tis the season for King Cake and Crawfish Boils

One thing about living in south east Louisiana is that you live by fronts and seasons. When I say SEASONS I don't mean the four seasons, winter, spring, summer, and fall or the musical group. I mean Crawfish season, Shrimp season, Mardi- Gras season, Oyster Season(GROSS), Saints Football season. Each one of these season I have come to know and love, except for Oyster Season.
The season that I have been waiting for since my for induction into this Cajun world, almost this time last year. I was reluctant and hesitant about this season but now it's the season I cannot wait for. For me Mardi-Gras/Crawfish season are almost as wonderful as the Christmas season for most.
Twas the month before Mardi Gras, when all through the apartment
Not a creature was stirring, not even a nutria.
The beads and mask were hung around the apartment with care,
In hopes that Grand Marshall soon would be there.

Kris and Cocky were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of King Cake and Crawfish danced in their heads.
And Kris in his Saints pjs and I in my Carolina pjs,
Had just settled down for a long and yummy Mardi Gras Season

Their are two sad parts to the upcoming seasons. 1. DIET and 2. COLD.
1. KING CAKES are out almost in full force. If you have never had a King Cake from New Orleans/ Slidell you are missing out on one of the best things that God has ever instilled in man to make. Anything you want can be put in this slice of heaven they can do.
Now all that being said since it is so WONDERFUL it is so NOT WONDERFUL for you. Full of carbs and sugar, all the things I am trying so hard to stay away from. It's like the temptation of a lifetime. King Cakes are showing up every where and it's so hard. On top of the King Cake and it's horrible glory comes CRAWFISH!
Crawfish boils are AMAZING. These things we call MUD BUGS and use for BAIT in South Carolina have become the best Crustaceans on the EARTH. Potatoes, Corn, Sausage, Garlic, Cauliflower, MUSHROOMS, Onion, Lemon, Crab Boil, and Crawfish all in one pot boiled to perfection.
2. The fact the temperatures have reached a point here that people do not want to come out of the house. Temperatures that I don't think anyone here could have imagined in a lifetime. These BELOW freezing temps will put a longer wait for Crawfish. This makes me so very sad. These puts some less temptation on my "strive for skinny".
This is now what I am going to call my diet. Diet such an ugly word, I think I like "Strive for Skinny". My "Strive for Skinny" is actually going very well with doing at least an hour of working out 3-5 days a week and eating green things and fish. It's going to be hard with my two favorite season just around the corner. I will have to say there is a bag of chocolate on our table that I HAVE NOT TOUCHED. I know for those of you who know me you may now breathe. My strive for skinny has now over taken my love for chocolate. Mom and Dad I hope you are proud and Bon-Bon and Mr. Billy :-)!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Those who can't do teach? (wrong)

Dear Every Teach I Have Ever Had,
I am sorry. I am so so so very sorry. I am sorry for all the homework I never did. I am sorry for the study guides that you made that I didn't even think about doing. I am sorry that I never did give much of any effort. I am truly and genuinely sorry. Thank you for all that you did to ever try and help me. I really I am and was truly thankful I am just sorry I didn't show my gratitude sooner. Thank you and sorry.
Love In Christ,
Jessi Hardin Crippin

As pay back for my many year of slothfulness. I had a kid come into class today and tell me that they had gotten into late to do their homework, when they had sat in extended care this morning for at least an hour. It is frustrating to get students to live up to their potential. I know that if they were to try and do their best, one could go to Harvard and be the next president, while another a nurse and helping others out, another a best selling author. I see this in them and it disappointing when they do not meet the goals that I set for them in my head.
I am not saying that any of my teachers would think that I would become the next president or doing any great deed. I know they expect more from me though then what I gave. I can bet you money not one of my teachers ever thought that one day I would be a teacher. With my loathe for homework, my hatred for being up early in the morning, my lack of studying, and my lack-luster organizational skills. I could only figure that my teachers would think the worst of what I would become. I am sure never in a million years would they think that I would become one of them.
Now that I join the ranks of the teachers who drove me to this point. I understand their pain with me and my classmates. Bless them for we were a bunch of lost, non caring, and wondering souls when it came to school. Now I am teaching those wondering souls. I hope that I with God's help ( because trust me that's the only way to do it) I can help them not wander any more and know where they belong and who and what they can become. For they truly are a GREAT bunch of kids.
Some are working hard and doing all the things they need to. It's just those few who are like me (poor them). I love them all dearly. And everyday I thank God for those 13 wonderful kids sitting in front of me five days a week!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Not The Usual Grind

After two weeks of "Vacation" I think that we need a vacation. Over the past two weeks we haven't stopped. Coming back from being out of town for two weeks leaves a lot for two people to do. On a check list full of things everything is done but only half way. Half the laundry done, half the stuff brought up three flights of steps from the car, half the house clean,I think you get the point. Even with an overwhelming list of halves. We woke up this morning, WANTING to get back to the grind.
The grind of spending countless hours at school and church. I couldn't wait to see my now, 13, wonderful kids at school today ( one left and moved back to Texas, its sad). For us both the "grind" is getting to hang out with kids/teenagers all day. Yes there are times where we have to be hard on the kids but more than none we just have fun and laugh with them. I know that I have learned more by being in the fourth grade again :-)
We loved spending time with our families. We got great gifts which we needed. As a kid I was excited to get the newest toys, bikes, dolls, baseball glove, bat, and more. Now I was excited to get our breaks fixed for Christmas, and a vacuum to insure that the dog hair is up. Sometimes I think this growing up thing is for the birds :-)!
Kris is running around all over the place trying to get things done for the church and school. But I know he missed it. Our daily grind is a lot more enjoyable than I think most peoples are. So yes we still long for the weekend, and pray for a break during the weekend, but we still love what we do and where God has put us. Yes, I and Kris are praying for a SNOW DAY on Thursday you are more than welcome to pray with us:-)

To switch gears Kris needs prayer and so does the youth group. Its unspoken but it needs prayer and a lot of it has to do with disappointment and discouragement.